Thursday, May 15, 2014

Om Yeah! Laugh Your Way to Meditative Bliss with Laughter Yoga

The YogaLaughs Laughter and Silence retreats throughout the years have been profound for folks. People who are not regular silent meditators report experiences like, "a sense of flow", "emotional rest", "being completely energized and quiet at the same time", "going somewhere else in my mind", etc.

Now, we have the science to back up why this happens. Turns out, when we laugh mirthfully, almost instantly, our brains begin producing gamma waves, which create the highest level of cognitive functioning.

What are gamma waves? This video clip explains it well. 

The Tibetan Monks he mentions in the University of Wisconsin study (in the video clip above) were asked to specifically to generate feelings of objective compassion for self, then objective compassion for the world. This is when their brains kicked into "high gear" and started producing gamma waves.

A Huffington Post video clip from 2013 explores how we can "train our mind to do the impossible" (generate gamma waves.) Click here to watch!

We know more now than in 2013. 

“Joyful laughter immediately produces the same brain wave frequencies experienced by people in a true meditative state,” says Lee Berk, lead researcher of the study and associate professor of pathology and human anatomy at Loma Linda University.  -- Time Magazine, May 2, 2014

Until Berk's study, we only acknowledged years of practice meditating as the gateway to gamma wave production. 

“Gamma is the only frequency that affects every part of the brain,” says Berk. “So when you’re laughing, you’re essentially engaging your entire brain at once. This state of your entire brain being ‘in synch’ is associated with contentment, being able to think more clearly, and improved focus. You know, that feeling of being ‘in the zone’.” -- Time Magazine, May 2, 2014

Berk went on to say, "This is of great value to individuals who need or want to revisit, reorganize or rearrange various aspects of their lives or experiences, to make them feel whole or more focused."

My question: Can we easily train our brain waves to produce gamma waves by participating in laughter yoga regularly? 

"I used to have major panic attacks throughout my work week. After laughing each week, I only have about 1 or 2 a month. I'm also amazed how nice I am to everyone after a laughter yoga session." -- Feedback from a YogaLaughs laughter club participant.

In 2007, I found out about Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, who had been experimenting with sound waves - and how they influence and train brain waves. He recorded sound frequency patterns, which were built into musical soundtracks - ultimately discovering yes, we can entrain our brainwaves. 

I immediately bought his "Gamma Meditation" CD, to see if I could get my brain waves to mimic those of the compassionate monks.

The "state" I achieved after a few months of regular listening to my CD didn't seem so, "off the charts". I had also been leading laughter yoga at every opportunity I could get. I found myself in a deeper place of "transcendental bliss" after laughing, then sitting in silence. I didn't have a clue as to why, just knew this experience showed up, more or less, every time I led laughter yoga. I also heard regular reports from participants which were as diverse as they were amazing about long-held emotional release, greater insight around challenges, pain relief, mood lifts, inner stillness, restored energy, and the list goes on.

"I don't really know where I went during the silent meditation. I went somewhere. I'm as at ease as I remember being in a long time." -- Feedback from a Laughter & Silence Retreat

As a laughter yoga teacher, I've always observed hearty laughter paves the way for greater stillness during the silent meditation periods. For we novice meditators, this was key. We didn't need to think our way into not thinking. This became curious - how our thinking was no longer The Tyrant so quickly?

After so such laughter, we assumed we had just laughed out all of our stress and left inhibitions behind. What I know now... we had also deliberately super-charged gamma brainwave production and unwittingly eased ourselves right into transcendental bliss. Om Yeah. 

Laughter and Silence Mini-Retreat
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Gordon Avenue Library
1 - 4 p.m.
Free and open to the public!

BYO Water and a snack. Bring your favorite meditation props like a cushion, yoga mat, blanket, etc. Silent time can also be spent walking outside.